Begun in 1982 as a regional gathering for men exploring changes in their lives and roles, Midwest Mens Festival has grown in size and scope over the years to encompass men from many parts of the nation, indeed the world, who represent diverse walks of life, age, and personal experience.
Although the Midwest Men’s Festival is attended primarily by gay men, many of whom are involved in earth-centered spirituality, men of varied cultural or ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, or spiritual beliefs are invited and encouraged to attend.
Festival provides a place where men can come together for sharing and individual growth, and it fosters interpersonal interactions and community building, while respecting boundaries and encouraging supportive, non-competitive self-expression. Festival is a pleasant place to have fun and create friendships. Whatever your sexuality, race, or creed, Festival can provide the opportunity to explore personal and collective growth, joy, nurturing, and change.

The main Altar is a point of focus for remembrances, meditation and honoring those who have helped keep MMF alive. The Altar holds talismans and other representations of the sacred, the magical and the divine.
Each year’s Festival is planned by a group of hardworking volunteers who have taken the responsibility of making the arrangements and spending the time necessary for Festival’s preparation. This planning committee consists of persons designated in the areas of Site Selection and Logistics, Registration, Menu Planning and Food Coordination, Communications, Community Service Coordination and Archives. Please let these people know their work is noticed and consider helping in one or more of these areas as we begin the planning for the next Midwest Men’s Festival.