Resolution of Personal Conflict
(Laird’s Process)
Participants of the Midwest Men’s Festival are asked to conduct themselves in such a manner as to make Festival enjoyable and safe for all. The group has agreed by consensus to abide by the following guidelines where personal conflict is at issue.
It is the intent of the Festival to create a supportive and accepting environment for all Festival participants. This is an interactive process and the group expects each participant to respect one another’s space and choices, so long as the actions of one are not perceived by another to be threatening.
When the actions of one or more individuals are felt to be threatening, the Festival encourages all persons feeling threatened to approach directly and as soon as possible, the person(s) whose behavior is a difficulty and discuss a possible resolution.
Where direct engagement is either too difficult or ineffective, the threatened persons are encouraged to seek the support of other Festival participants in negotiating a resolution with all concerned parties.
If this does not result in resolutions to everyone’s satisfaction, then the matter may be brought to the Festival circle for further consideration. The Festival expects any participant whose behavior is perceived by another to be threatening to interact in good faith with the Festival group, or the group’s designee(s) and to work toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
Failure by any individual to engage in group process in good faith around a person’s behavior which is perceived to be threatening may be considered grounds for asking the individual to leave Festival.